ADMISSIONS INFORMATION As you pray about this most important decision, we ask that you learn about what holistic faith based education is and ensure this is the right fit for your child and family. Additionally, we ask that you read through our website (click here) to learn about holistic faith based education and what we offer to our students and their families. Please ensure that your child and your family are enthusiastic about admission to Ocala Preparatory Academy since we have very limited enrollment. 

WHAT DO YOU PROVIDE? Ocala Preparatory Academy (OPA) is a holistic, faith-based (Christian) school for children that thrive in a smaller, caring classroom setting or may need additional academic support in our Additional Supports Classroom. Holistic faith based (Christian) education would be considered the most similar to Montessori and Waldorf. Additionally, we also pray with our students and integrate Christ into all we do. 

25-26 LIMITED OPENINGS: We have very limited openings in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grade. We update this website every couple of weeks. This information is up to date as of March 13, 2025.

WAITLIST: Kindergarten spots are all filled as of March 3, 2025. 

SPECIAL NOTE:  We do not accept new high school students. All high school students must enter our school as a K-8th grade student. Due to this, please do not request admission for a high school student. 

Additionally, we are unable to provide admission to prospective students with behavioral challenges or students that need 1:1 support.

FAMILY PARTNERSHIP (excerpt from our policy) We believe that a positive constructive working relationship between our staff & a student’s parents/guardians and extended family members (including anyone who drops off/picks up or has any communication with our staff) is essential to the fulfillment of our mission. As a community, it is important that we all collectively engage in an affirming, encouraging atmosphere. The expression of negative feelings & even supposedly "constructive" criticism can do much to undermine any school’s atmosphere. The board, the executive director and the associate director do not seek to suppress any parent concern or grievance, however, we do ask that such concern or grievance be handled in a healthy, constructive manner.  

ADMISSIONS & REGISTRATION Our open enrollment and registration for the 2025-2026 school year begins on February 10, 2025.   

ADMISSION PROCESS 1. Complete the Student Admissions Interest Form. We accept Student Admissions Interest Forms on a rolling basis for current instructional year spots available OR starting in January 2025 for the upcoming instructional year.  We ask that you do not complete Student Admissions Interest Form unless we have a spot for the instructional year you are seeking admission.

2. Next, you will be contacted to schedule a Student Admissions Phone Interview. Once we have reviewed all documentation, we will make the determination if your child will continue in the admissions process.  

3. The next step is to submit the following information to us via email-click here.

-Birth Certificate

-Form DH 681, Religious Exemption From Immunization or Florida Certificate of Immunization form DH 680

-Physical Form  DH 3040 dated within the last 12 months

-Most recent Report Card 

-Student Records Release

-Teacher Recommendation Form 

Once all required information and documents are received, our admin team will decide if your child will move forward in the admissions process. If we decide to move forward in the admissions process, we will provide you a link to complete our 25-26 Admissions Application (not available on our website) and then a trial visit (a minimum of one week during the instructional year OR a minimum of two weeks during our Summer FUN Education Program during the month of June) will be scheduled. 

4. After your child's trial visit, you meet with our admin staff to go over standardized testing and classroom assessment. 

5. If your child is accepted for admission to Ocala Preparatory Academy, you will be invited to complete a financial contract for the upcoming (or current) instructional year. Your child's costs associated with enrollment will be provided at this time. 

See below to complete our Student Admissions Interest Form